3 Things Keeping You LOCKED in Low Vibration and How to Break FREE


I'm going to show you the three things, keeping you locked in a lower vibrational state of consciousness, and I'm going to show you exactly what to do to break free of it.

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Today, I'm going to be showing you those three things, keeping you locked into lower vibrational reality, and I was actually reading a book last night and this idea kind of came to me where I realized that there are certain things we do that because there are many different frequencies in the world, what happens is different people are focused on different things, at different levels of consciousness, and when we tune ourselves to the same things that many of these other people are tuned to it a lot of times can keep us then locked or in a way in vibrational resonance with those type of people, and it has to do with understanding our own levels of consciousness.

Notice just to give this a little bit of basis, if you've seen my, the videos I do before with the chart of consciousness, you'll see at the chart of consciousness, right here are the different levels of consciousness. And you'll see that at the bottom, emotions such as shame, fear, guilt, anger. Then you'll see neutrality. Eventually, you see willingness. Then you see reasoning, love, joy, peace, and enlightenment. What happens is certain activities resonate at a certain vibration. You could look at let's say the activity of listening to classical music, for example, that resonates at about 450, so it's higher resonating type music. However, if you were to listen to maybe some type of music with the intention of a demeaning people or very angry type of music, it could resonate in the one hundred. Listening to classical music may actually raise your vibration.

Whereas listening to the music that is lower vibration may raise or lower your vibration. The thing is many of you reading this blog right now are about to break through to a new level or have already broken through to a new level, and you're finding yourself feeling a little bit weird around, bless you. You're finding yourself feeling a little bit weird around other people that might be acting a certain way or might be a feeling a certain way, or you'll find yourself that you're in a certain vibrational state and that other people are now relating to you in a new way. I know when I went through my spiritual awakening back in 2012, what happened is my vibration changed so much that people in my environment and my friends, my family, they didn't know what was going on, so they had to find a new way to relate to me.

But what happened is sometimes I would try to go back to the old vibrations. Like for example, I had a lot of for, I had some friends who are still good friends of mine, but I had friends that I used to smoke a lot of weed with. This is back to my 2012, and what I found is that sometimes I would miss being around them, and I thought that in order to be around them, I had to do that thing. The thing was as I raised my vibration, which weed resonates at right about 350 I resonated above three 50 and therefore when I would do that it would bring my vibration down, but I felt kind of like I had to do it or if I didn't do it, maybe I wouldn't be accepted in my friend group. But that right there was keeping me locked in a lower vibration.

That perspective. Maybe in your life, do you have it to where maybe you went through a spiritual awakening or you're raising your vibration and then you find that maybe your friends are pressuring you to drink, or maybe you feel guilty if you go out and you don't drink, or maybe you wonder what they would say if you didn't do certain activities with them? Even just like watching certain TV shows and just like lounging on the couch. I realize that the way in which the person I was back in the past has changed. And if I felt a little bit UN, I felt a little bit self-conscious of that because I thought there was something wrong with me. Because when you go through a spiritual awakening especially, and you raise your vibration, you look around, and all of your friends and family might be in the same place they've always been.

Then you think, well, maybe there's something wrong with me because I am the first one to wake up. But you don't think about it like I'm the first one to wake up. You'd just think I'm the first. I'm different now. There's something different about me. Maybe there's something wrong with me, or maybe I'm just like emotionally stable. But you see, when you're going through a spiritual awakening, one thing that does happen is your vibration will begin to increase, and you begin to relate to people in a different way. Your diet might change the thing that kind of books you read, my change and all of these things, different things that happen will begin to allow you to resonate at a different frequency. But the thing is, is if you always go back to what's comfortable, you will in a way be doing yourself more harm because it's almost like as you raise your vibration, the universe will give you situations that show you, okay, this way doesn't resonate as much anymore.

Are you ready to go in this way? But there'll be a level of a, a level of uncertainty with that and that will feel kind of fearful. I remember what some of my friends are, certain things that happened where I realized, okay, this just isn't resonating as much anymore. I just realized I have to focus on what I'm doing, which now I make videos, I'm very busy, and I had to go for my passion and really just go for it. And the thing was though is what was keeping me locked in the vibe in that vibration. And one of the most powerful effects of your vibration is the people that you are around. They say that you are an accumulation of the five people you're around the most. Well, that's not just because when you're around them, you're having certain conversations, you literally begin to resonate at the same frequency as the five people you're around the most.

And if a few of these people are always negative, putting negative subconscious beliefs in you, telling you why you can't do things. You know, there were some people, when I was starting to go on YouTube, I'd be like, oh, I'm doing YouTube. This is what I'm doing. And if they had a negative perspective, like, Oh really? Are you sure about that? Or I just, I wouldn't really, I either wouldn't listen to them. I wouldn't internalize what they say, or I would find myself wanting to distance myself from them. Be aware of the dreams of your vision. Be aware of your own vibration and make a choice to remain in your own energy field. Make the choice that you're not going to internalize what other people say. The first thing that keeps you locked in a lower vibration is your social circle is the people that you are around, and the people that you are around the most literally begin to resonate at the same frequency of you.

This is why I think one of the biggest hacks that you can use towards; I call it like it's a form of vibrational resonance. One of the most powerful things that you can do is you can focus more on people that are already obtained, the kind of vibration you want and read their books, like get inside the head, the mind, the emotions and the actions of the people you want to be like. Because when I was looking at myself wanting to be a fulltime YouTube or I imagine the version of me that was a full-time YouTuber and I simply started to take action as that version of me, I linked up to my thoughts as that version of me. I linked up my feelings is that version of me, and I would watch other YouTubers that were in a similar type state and that we're doing something similar, and it would help me then resonate in that frequency.

You see, if your vision is to create something like that, but you're reading books that are things that are lowering your vibration, that is in the vibrational range of that. And there's nothing wrong with entertainment and enjoying that, but then what you end up doing is you end up in a way holding yourself back because vibrationally your energy is split. You're listening to one type of music, you're thinking of something else. You're doing this; all these different vibrational variants are putting you in a scattered way. You want everything aligned. And when you think of everything, of lot everything aligned in this way. Think of it like you want your physical, your mental, your emotional, and you're spiritual all aligned in a certain direction.

If you really want to create change in your life, but the things keeping you locked in a lower vibration is you're eating unhealthy food in this direction. You're eating and having emotions and meanings that you give things in this direction. You're around people that have this kind of vibration, and you have all this scattered energy. The key is alignment. Sometimes this means having more boundaries. I had to learn that because when I was around people, even at the old job that I had, I would go in, and some of them would just be venting to me — venting negative vibration, negative things. Does it mean I'm like, no, get away from me, get away from me? It means I was just consciously aware, and I would set more intentions, and then, in a way, I would heal, and I would focus on really generating my own state from within, and that would change so much.

The first one is the people that you're around. The second thing is keeping you locked in a lower vibration, stopping you from creating your dreams in your life. The second thing is music, news, and media in general. What kind of social media are you tuning to now? I noticed for me there were certain, especially even not even that long ago, actually, there were certain vlogs I would watch. She knows, and I know, you know what I'm talking about right now. Yeah. I used to watch; there's this guy on YouTube, his name's David Doebrick. He's really cool blogs. He's really good. I mean, he's really, really cool blogs, but nonetheless, when I was watching them, and I would sometimes watch them a little bit later at night, I realized I'd go to bed. I had these dreams about it out of everything, of my day, out of making videos, out of doing all of these things, I would have dreams about the four minutes and 22nd video that I would watch on his YouTube channel.

What I realized is that was in a way, I developed a better boundary. And I wouldn't watch them as much. And I know it sounds like a silly thing to pay attention to and you see this, this is all about you and your relationship with you because the answer isn't that you have to re guard your energy, be fearful every day, everything can enjoy life. That's not the key, but be aware of what you are consuming. And maybe that wasn't the best example because it's in a way like a form of entertainment. There's much worse out there. The worst would be something like the news where you say, so your Leslie, you're on the couch right there. You watch a lot of drama channels. K drama.

Yes, it does. That's what I'm saying. We'll see drama. Yes. Yes. And I noticed when you do those; there's, I think you have more of a tendency to get angry about something. Like maybe something happens, you get like a little bit more. And it's the same for me. You remember, remember the Jake Paul thing with like the sociopath and all that stuff when there was that whole series by what's his name? Shane Dawson. It was like this kind of negative eerie vibe. Very interesting, though. But I remember watching it, and it was just like certain energy to it, and I realized that I would find myself more gravitating towards darker things, you know, like the shadow sides of people and stuff. So yeah. Thank you. Thank you for contributing. These different things do have an influence on our vibration, whether we're aware of it or not.

When you watch the news, and you see so many people experiencing some type of pain in the world, well that's going to inform to you a certain belief, maybe a belief that there's a lot of people that don't have enough, and the key is becoming aware of how these things affect your vibration. I don't watch the news, and I say that because some people were like, you don't, how do you not know what's going on in the world? You don't know what's going on in the world. Well, why are we assuming that what's going on in the world is 1.1% of what the news actually shows? That's what's happening. That is just the lower vibrational things that are happening in the world because they want you to keep you in a lower vibrational state. You don't want to get in a perspective that's like, Oh the government Jeff for me or like the um, it's just all negative.

It's all meant to keep you in a lower frequency cause that's a negative perspective in itself. It's just about being aware, but choosing where you put your energy, cause whatever you focus on you feel. There are some accounts that I was following that I realized — same type of thing. When I would see their social media, their posts on Instagram, I would see that it would, it would elicit a certain emotion from me. And then after a while I'm like, wait, why am I following this person? You see, is it high vibrational content that you are consuming? And like I said, this is an end all be all. It's not that you can't watch certain shows. You sound like you can't watch the news every now and then, but just be aware of how it's affecting your vibration and moderated out.

Do it in moderation and then see how that makes you feel. But in general, for me, I look at the F at the success that I've had on YouTube. It's been from massive, massive and direct focus. I wasn't going out with friends to do things. I was focused on just making videos. I was working at nine to five job and making videos, and that was it. Friends wanted to say, Oh do you want to hang out? A lot of times, I'd have to say no, you know, and that was the grind phase of my life. But I have a feeling that some of you may about to be in that stage or need to like really direct your energy cause you're such powerful beings, but your energy needs to be focused. And then once you get a certain momentum going, you can relax a little bit more.

It’s about being aware of the media, the news, your friends eight around the third thing that's keeping you locked in your low and lower vibration. You want to know what that is. It's you. You keep you locked in the lower vibration. The reason I say this is because I had to become aware of this in my own life because I had perspectives in the past that people did things to me. It was more of a victim type vibration, and having that caused me to then experience, no, that didn't cause me to experience it. I caused me to experience that because I was telling myself that story. I was relating to myself in that way, and the first step towards really taking your power back and claiming your own vibration, it's taken responsibility for not what happened to you. It's taken responsibility for what you do with what happens to you.

That's what affects your vibration the most. How do you relate to what happened to you? Yes. Some stuff in the past did happen to you. The moment you change the meaning to it is the moment you will have the vibrational transformation. That was the way it worked for me. I had this story. You may know the old the ex-step mom thing. Well, seven to 15 years old, 15 years old comes around, my dad divorces her. I have all this freedom, still, feel that unworthiness, the moment everything changes. I went through a spiritual awakening and learned how to meditate, and then what I realized is I realized that I was giving it the meaning that that happened to me. Why did all this negative stuff happen? I didn't have a child. I wasn't able to have friends. I wasn't able to be healthy and eat the right kind of amount of food. I didn't have the bigger necessities as a kid. Obviously, I made it, but I didn't have like, you know, I didn't have that nurturing that, that, that type of love. I felt like I was something wrong with me. Why did all that happen? But now I see it as an actual gift. Those didn't happen to me. Those happened to me.

You know, I see my sister, one of my sisters now has to go through that because that's her real mom, my ex stepmom. She's like been trying to pull away because it's just like a circus dealing with her. I don't have to deal with her cause I'm not related to her. I remember I told her, I was like, look at how my life turned out from everything that I went through with her. And then I was telling her that this is happening for you to build you as a person so that you, you develop a certain level of strength within you. And I remember when I said that it was like something that really resonated and to realize, yes, I can do this. Do you know? It's the meaning you give it to Dennis doesn't happen to you. It happens to you.

And when you change that, meaning you change your life, but you have to take responsibility for your own vibration. People don't lower your vibration. You lower your vibration. People come around you, and then you tell yourself a story that they have a lower vibration, and therefore, they are affecting your vibration. But if you don't internalize anything they're doing, if you don't resonate with their frame of reality, you won't experience it. If somebody comes up to you and is of a low vibration, says something to trigger you, unless you accept whatever they say is true unless you let it absorb into you, then you won't. It won't affect you. But it's all about you and your relationship with you. And when you really claim this, this is where you really start to transform your own vibration. And even if it is someone's making you feel negative, guess what? You're still choosing to be around that person. You're still to that person. I used to have that job that I had.

There were one or two people that were very negative. I would walk to the other side of the sales floor. I wouldn't listen to them. Vent to me about how slow it is. I would walk to the other side of the Salesforce, and I would be helping customers. You see, in the same way, somebody may be negative, but guess what? You have the choice of creating a boundary with your energy of saying, Hey, I don't want to talk about that right now of understanding can change your story about that person. You see, all outer reality is, is a reflection of our inner reality. Anyways, change the way you relate to it.

You change your life. When it comes to these three vibrational levels or these three things that keep you locked in a low vibration, understand you can push through it. And it all has to do with taking responsibility for your own energy, developing boundaries, understanding of the vibration of the people you're around, understanding the vibration of the media, the social media posts that you're looking at. And if you need to mute a post on social media, mute to the account that's bringing you up to negative negativity or unfollow. You don't have to, you know, guard your people. People guard a lot of things in their life, but they don't really guard their vibration and what they bring into theirs, what they bring into their consciousness. You know, if somebody came into your house and just tore apart a black trash bag of trash and all over your living room, you'd flip.

But if somebody put a whole bunch of negative sings in your subconscious, you wouldn't say anything because it's not as apparent as something physical like that, but it still has an effect. Something that I do have that is new. If you haven't heard of it yet, it's called, what's my vibration.com you go to, what's my vibration.com you take a, it takes about a minute to fill out the survey. It will calibrate your vibration, send you an archetype of your vibration plus a meditation that's specific for you and your level of consciousness, and then we'll show you how to get to the next level as well. It's something that's brand new. It's called whatismyvibration.com.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.