The Simulation of Reality and 3 Ways to HACK the System

It can be a bit confusing when we try to understand how we may live into what we call a simulated reality. But let me give you some points for you to have a better understanding of the simulation of reality and the three ways to hack the system.

So, come on and watch the video below:

I'm going to be sharing with you three ways to understand that we may be living in a simulation. I'm going to show you ways of getting around some of the things that may hold us back and how we can use certain perspectives to our advantage as well as discuss the three ways that you can use to hack the system of understanding how we may live into what we call a simulated reality, and this has to do with a little bit of a comment that Elon Musk has made. That then kind of sparked my curiosity and then I started to study this, which is actually there's physics coming out that's showing that there's something called a big theory of everything, which is an explanation for how all of reality works.

Whereas a lot of times we get science that shows how a part of reality works. Then maybe the study of biology, the study of something else to study of something else and people can look at it and they go, oh, this is some of the commonalities. This is some of the patterns, but how everything works together is often something that's not pieced together. However, with this understanding of living in a simulated type reality, this explains everything from a certain perspective.

First off, I've explained this story before, but I'm going to give it just a little bit of a basis, so in case you haven't seen my other videos on it or haven’t read some of my blogs, you kind of understand a simulated reality.

This is something I find to be very, not just curious, like something I'm curious about. Something very empowering because what it implies is that we are much more than we can possibly imagine and in a way, I believe that life is a form of game. Life is a form of dream that we're dreaming we're having, right? Like I'm in a higher level of consciousness. I believe that we are all asleep dreaming that we are here, projecting ourselves here.

The thing is this reality has a certain level of continuity. What we're like yesterday, I did this and tomorrow I will do this, so therefore we create this experience of a consistent dream which then to us makes us perceive and say, wow, this is very real, but in reality I think we are so much more than we can possibly imagine and we're dreaming that were here.

We're just dreaming a long, consistent dream that appears to be something that is very real. We have our senses. Our senses are interpreters of vibration, so I can go over and touch the pillow, go, Whoa, this has a lot of. This says a lot of sensation. This must be real, but what is real? Because all that is an interpretation of vibration. We can smell, touch, taste, hear, see, all of these things are interpretations of vibration. They are way for information.

Everything in our life that we experienced at a certain level is information. It is a meaning that we put in our mind or there's a neutrality in our mind about it, but nonetheless, it's a way that we digested data. We could think of it like that and it's easy to understand from the. It's easier to understand from the perspective of a computer because the computer can be an analogy, but I don't think it's like we live in a computer.

I think that that's just the analogy symbol that we use in our reality. I think that it works in a similar way. I believe that we are just in a way kind of in a virtual reality. Now, what Elon Musk said is that he said that this reality that we experienced, the chances of it being the baseline reality, like it being the real reality, he says he thinks that that is less than a percentage of a percentage.

For example, now we got the iPhone and get this cool stuff. But imagine you got like a brick phone, like one of those big phones that used to talk and uh, in the eighties if you around them, you know, like it's ancient compared to what we have now. Now in the same way, if this is already the case where the brain doesn't know the difference between what's experiencing to what is actually happening, imagine in five or 10 years where the technology is going to be.

We're not even going to know the difference between what is reality and what is not reality. Now, knowing that this is a potential within our own life right now, what's to not say that at a higher level of consciousness we may exist. We may project ourselves into this reality for a certain purpose. Now, look at that purpose be. I think the purpose could be to learn. There's something as frustrating as it may be to have things kind of slower here.

I think that in the higher levels of consciousness, things happen very quickly. It just like in a dream state, higher level of consciousness. When you're in a dream state, things happen on. You can think of something almost immediately happens.

We can only understand that which our brain understands. You know what I mean? It's not like the we can understand something that's beyond that of the dimension of time and space within. We live in, you know, so this is about understanding the possibility that maybe we live in more of a simulation. We're dreaming that we're here right now and that because we're dreaming, we're here right now.

There's a certain kind of experiences we can have now. One of the most powerful things we do is we realized there's a correlation between what we are thinking in what we are experiencing. This is called sometimes the Law of Attraction, deliberate focus. When we focus, we can then experience more of what we want and this is because there's certain what are called rule sets of reality.

There are certain rule sets for the how things work in our life. These rule sets are like laws like the law of gravity. We've agreed to have this kind of collective dream together and part of the collective dream is we're going to have this thing called gravity that keeps us all on the planet so that we don't fly away.

There are the rule sets such as the Law of Attraction or whatever. We focus on grows. Whatever is like onto itself is drawn more of. Then we noticed that and we're like, okay, well if I think negative thoughts, I feel separated. If I feel positive thoughts, if I think positive thoughts, I feel more connected. So these are different aspects of certain rule sets we may have. There may be rule sets about the way cosmology works, about the way our reality works, and part of this is becoming aware of the correlation between what we think and what we experienced.

So that's my spiel as to the simulated universe we may live in. We may be dreaming that we here, we're here. We may be immoral, spiritual beings having a temporary human experiences for certain purposes because here things go up in a little bit slower and higher dimensions.

Things happen very quickly, so it's almost like instantaneously, but here you get to think about what you want. You get the intend for it to happen. You get to go through some of the challenges along the way because there's more learning to be done in that experience than being in a higher level of conscious and we're just things happen. As much as we say, oh, it'd be so amazing to just think of this and this happens as much as we say that.

It's not necessarily the case from a soul level, from a spiritual level of consciousness or how we can interpret it kind of experiences we have. So with that being said, the first way that we can begin to hack the simulated universe that we may live in is understanding our thoughts, understanding the direction they're going in and understanding something called the rule sets.

Many times, when people begin to have an expectation, they create a pattern and what happens is based on the prior pattern, it's more likely that we continue to create that over and over and over and over again. So the key to it is almost seeing things as fresh. Almost seeing things as it's your first time ever doing it because what happens is anytime we go into the past way of thinking and to the autopilot mind, we then create from an autopilot tight creation mode.

It's almost like we can't create anything new because we're always doing the same thing over and over again. So what this means is the more we get outside of our comfort zone and we do new things, the more we have an ability to tap into something that is a greater degree of change. So this is a way that I found a hack the universe because when you're or the hackers simulated reality, we may live in.

Because when you go to do something, if you keep doing it from the same energy, if you think the same thoughts every day, if you feel the same emotions every day, if you take the same actions every day, you're going to get the same results every day because that is on an autopilot rule set that we have created. Because we've conditioned this pattern into us. We create the same thing over and over and over again.

The key to this is to more so see how we can bring in something new, how we can begin to create from a perspective of I'm going to do something I've never done before because then we get outside of that same rule set of how things have to be of feeling frustrated or some type of a pattern that we've already created through conditioning. A hack for that is to simply, there's a hack that I use that as to do with setting a trigger for me to wake up from the autopilot mind.

1. Change technique

So, what I do is this does trigger that I called, change technique. It's something I think I learned from Dr. Joe Dispenza. You go like this, they go change, clap. Your hands change. And when you do this, it changes the physiology because then you're, you're sitting there and you're like, oh yeah, I'm going to go do this. And you go do. And you start doing it in the same old way.

And I've always stayed. I'm like, why am I always tried to do is self-image? Well, anytime I think of Instagram and trying to create a video for it, for some reason, my mind goes there. So clap, my hands change and then I changed my physiology and then I focused on something completely new. I focused on a new perspective and that kind of shakes me out of that rule set of that consistent pattern. Or anytime I think about Instagram, I think about making a self-image video. You see, so you can use that for anything. Set a trigger for you to remember that that is the key to do something new, to step outside of the norm. Because when you do new things, you gain the ability to not have this pattern recognition that's going to create the same experiences over and over again.

Everything in our life that we experience is about probability because it's about shifting through this experience of the simulation and we create things to be more probable when we set intentions, when we do new things, when we get outside of our comfort zone, and these are ways that we can begin to increase the probability of certain things happening.

2. Understanding the idea

The second hack to that of us limit in a simulated universe or a simulated reality couldn't be that of understanding this idea. I think this is so powerful, especially when we begin to apply it. It's understanding the system itself. So just like we have an individual point of consciousness, something we want to experience in our life in the same way, there's this collective consciousness that we're all collectively having together.

We're having our own dream of life, but there's billions of other people have in their dream of life, but at a fundamental level we're having this dream of life together and we're relating to each other because there's more to be learned when we're relating to other people for in our own reality, just us.

One point of focus there wouldn't be that much to learn because it's just boring. We're just on our own planet or something like that, but having more people makes it more fun. The key is understanding to the dream itself, to the simulation itself, there is a purpose of the simulation itself and that is to less than what is called entropy.

 So, when you see this, this is how I use it, I'll be honest, I already hacked the system of the simulation in a way and I've been doing it unconsciously because what I do is I always have this intention to add value to other people.

What you put out is what you get back.

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You may have heard people like Gary Vaynerchuk who's like, take a lot of action and add value. I believe this. I believe the more value we add to other people, the more good comes to us because what you put out is what you get back. 

The more good you put out, the more good comes back to you. So, my core business model is how much value can I add to other people in knowing that the more value I add to other people, the more that comes back to me.

So, I'm always looking to give more because at the same time, the intention of the system itself is to grow, is to lessen the chaos in a way that you can lessen. The chaos is by increasing the level of compassion in you is by increasing your level of awareness. By expanding your awareness, like I always say in the beginning my videos, so that's my intention because I realized the system has an intention of itself and if you're only in it for yourself, if it's a lose win situation for everyone else, then you're not going with the system.

You're going against the system, so it's about being aware of. That doesn't mean you have to be the systems little, you know like going around doing everything for everyone else, but what it does mean is you're in your passion and you link up your passion to adding value to other people. Maybe you create amazing art. Instead of just seen it as art scene as something that wants to be expressed through. You see it as something that I add value to other people because as they're in their house, they're looking at that piece of art. They're like, damn, that's a cool piece of art. You see, so it's about having this understanding of the system itself and I choose to base my whole business model around it and it works very well for me. I find that things come back to me. I put out all this good energy, at least what I perceived to be good energy and a lot of people feel that and that comes back in different ways.

So understand there's a system, there's an intention to the system, and if you haven't, begin to integrate your passion into that of adding value to other people. I highly recommend you do it because when you do it, you'll find that things happen easier for you anyways because you are starting to go with the system.

3. Social Conditioning

The third part I want to talk about is that of understanding social conditioning. So just imagine there's this grid around the planet. Imagine there's a grid and energy field just like there was any energy fields around our body in this simulation that we live in and imagine that around these energy fields, there's certain thought forms. There's certain ways of thinking and when people think similarly, we grow these thought forms to where then many times will think we're having her own thoughts. When in reality we may be having the thoughts of social conditioning.

Social conditioning is the whole perspective that society will tell you or you will hear on the news. The news is a form of social conditioning. Many Times, oh, it's bad out there in the world. Is it really bad? Statistically, it's been shown that we're living in the best time ever that things are continuing to get better, but the news will make it look like things are horrible.

What I encourage you to do is to step outside of that bubble to realize you are so much more than you can probably imagine and to know that you don't have to agree with everything that you are told. You are creating your own reality and when you see that some people's beliefs, they're trying to regurgitate them onto you or uneven unconsciously. They're just kind of the way it is. That's just the way you think. You see reality. Reality is what you make it to be.

You step outside of the way. Reality is supposed to be the social conditioning. When you begin to think for yourself and you begin to say, what do I prefer to believe? That's all up to you and your own preference of what you want to believe, and you can begin to re architect your own belief system by simply deciding and becoming aware of where the social conditioning already is in your life.

When you're doing something asked, why am I motivated to do this? Why am I not motivated to do this? Begin to find why you do what you do. Ask different questions, become more aware of these, and anytime you're feeling triggered, become aware of what this is. Be able to observe your thoughts rather than react to it. These are all things that as you begin to do, you begin to deep plug from that of social conditioning and then to re-plug as to who you are meant to be in your life.

So remember, we may live in a simulation. We may be dreaming that we're here right now. We may be immortal, spiritual beings having a temporary human experiences, and we may forget who we are at a greater level. Remember that there's certain hacks you can use. Simply becoming aware of the correlation between what you think and what you experienced is already a step ahead, and if you watch my videos and read my blogs, you're already there, so congratulations.

And other thing about this is the key of the system itself is to less than entropy. It's too that have increased love and increased wind scenarios. The more value you add to other people, the more that comes back to you, the more that you are just yourself, your authentic self, the more you add value to other people because energy is contagious.

So, that's something that I think the more you put out, the more you get back and the more you become aware of all of this, the more you can begin to see that. This is about lessening the social conditioning, being yourself, and as you do this, you being to create what you want and a very powerful way.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.