How to Raise Your Vibration Towards ANY Subject (Higher Vibrational Manifestation)

What I'm going to be sharing with you are the three main levels of vibrational resonance, how you can move through each of these paradigms so that you start to create what you want easier than ever.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding how you can transcend certain levels of vibration, certain levels of consciousness towards any subject that you might have. You might be saying to yourself right now, well, I want to attract more money. I want more health. Those are the three things most people want to attract them to their life.

What I'm going to show you is different paradigms and different paradigms that you can begin to connect to and that as you connect to these different paradigms, you'll see where you are and you'll say, “Oh yes, that's where I am.” And I'll say to you, “Okay, this is what you got to do.”

You'll notice that on this scale of consciousness we have the bottom levels of consciousness, which is shame, fear, guilt. Eventually, you see that have the level of consciousness called neutrality. And if you move up a couple more levels of consciousness, you'll see that a willingness moving up to little reasoning, which is the understanding of the mind and the intellect, and then the level of consciousness of love.

Every time I say the word consciousness, you got to take a shot of apple cider vinegar, so just keep taking shots. Let's keep going. When you see that have then eventually over love, you see the level of consciousness of that, of joy, of peace, and of enlightenment. That's the highest level of consciousness. This whole consciousness band goes from zero to 1000 level of consciousness. This is the level of consciousness that we all are a part of, whether we're aware of it or not.

As we go through our life experiences and as we shift our level of consciousness, we will find that we resonate with different realities, with different levels of consciousness. Okay? I know consciousness getting a little bit overplayed, so I'm just going to get into it. You see that these levels right here, all of these different levels, you will see that there are different times in your life when we align with different emotions, different states of consciousness.

There you go again. What we do though is what we must become aware of is how we are feeling. That's one paradigm. There is a paradigm where we say, I really, really want that. I really want that. Its things are put on a pedestal. I really, really want that. How amazing would it be for me to have that? And the more we really, really desire that is the more resistance we feel. And in order to get it, this is what we think.

I need to work really hard. I need to try really hard. I need to do everything I can to get there. We need to find other people that can maybe give it to us. Maybe we'll try to find. People will go to different teachers, hop around from Law of Attraction video to Law of Attraction video, trying to find out how we can find it.

I'm not talking down at that if you're like, that's how I'm doing it right now. I'm not talking down to it, but what I am saying is just be aware that that's the level that you're at, is wanting it, desiring it and giving it a lot of importance. Anything we give a lot of importance to, we create resistance around. The more we say I really want that vibrationally were saying, I really don't currently have that. This is about being aware that that may be the level of consciousness that we have. That might be how we are thinking about ourselves.

That's where we go, so then I'm going to kind of act it out. It'd be like, I really want that. It would be really cool to experience it. I wonder if there's someone that could give me some little information. Sometimes I'll see a DMZ, I'll get how do I attract a specific person? How do I get my ex back?

How do I get that? Those questions are coming from a place of lack and don't think of lower middle, high as like bad, good or really like middle a great. It's not about good, bad. It's about just being aware of where that energy is coming from. First off, we become aware of those energies down. We have the lower emotions of feeling that shame, fear, guilt, the anger. Why do other people have it? If you get mad at other people for having it, then it's a sure sign that that is the level that is at currently.

When you learn how to neutralize those by neutralizing your thoughts, by becoming aware of them, by observing them, that's when you start to move out of the lower level and the mid-level.

The second level is the middle level of consciousness. Take another shot of apple cider vinegar. The middle level of consciousness is that of understanding that our beliefs create our reality so our beliefs create our reality.

Okay, well, if I don't currently have this, what do I believe to be true about this that's causing this kind of block? We can then see that there's a certain level of blocks that we have around this and we can then define it in a new way. We could see that, okay, I have this belief that I'm not worthy of it. I believe that they have it and I don't, and I feel resistance because of that.

This is where we become aware of the levels of consciousness of reasoning. When we see the reason right there, that reason is that of the intellectual mind, the intellectual mind of, okay, I can get into and understand that my beliefs create my reality and when I changed my belief. I understand that. Then I changed my reality, so police create reality.

This is a higher-level paradigm than the lower one because the lower one thinks that reality is fixed. It thinks that things are the way they are. It's this is the way it is and I can or can't manifest it. The second, the Middle, that paradigm, the middle level of consciousness is that understanding that the way it works is if we change our beliefs.

We then will experience a new reality, the intellect of it, understanding, okay, this is something that I can change from within. Something that has changed in my outer reality will begin to change as well. This is the second level of consciousness. This is where a lot of my videos on my channel are there in that second level between a four and 500 level of consciousness, the reasoning mastering the intellect.

When we master the intellect, we didn't change what we believe to be true within change, the outer reflection that we're getting in her life. However, now I'm starting to move into that.

The third level is more of a love consciousness. Observe the thoughts, observe the emotions you have observed, why you feel the emotions that you used to have or the emotions of lack, and then choose to let it go and to complete the past. Many times, as well. However, it letting go is the doorway into the second paradigm.

Once you're in the second paradigm, which is that of reasoning, which is that of understanding that your beliefs create your reality, what you then begin to do is you move from the second level, the doorway into the third level is understanding and dropping all the intellectual ideas. It is dropping. The intellect is dropping. That beliefs create your reality. You have certain vehicles you might use for a while, but eventually, you're going to get out of that vehicle and into a new one or you're going to realize that you can just teleport places.

You don't even need the vehicle. That's when you start to get into the higher level of consciousness because all beliefs are valid and all beliefs will eventually shift. You might have a belief that you can only make 50,000 a year. Eventually, you will let go of that belief and you have to let go of that belief to make then 100 or a million a year.

You have to eventually let go of the belief and the self-image that you currently have to move onto the next one and the same way. In this higher-level paradigm. It's about understanding and going beyond the belief, beyond the thoughts it into being in the present moment and to tuning into a higher level of frequency.

We all are connected to the divine, to this divine frequency that can flow through any of us if we choose, and the more we tune into it is the more we will experience it in our lives and the way we tune into it is by doing something we are passionate about. It is by connecting to our heart and trusting the process.

Just like the doorway was neutrality into the second level. Think of it as a one of this level down here, this level, the lower one would be having, trying to have, or it could be doing. I don't know which one it would be.

When I make these videos, I am passionate about making videos. The more the energy just flows through and it's easy for me to make these videos. I've made daily videos for almost two years now and I don't plan out any of my videos. I do not write out. I do not script them out. It just comes. The energy just flows through because I'm tuning into this channel. I'm tuning into this vibration and therefore I allow it to.

This is the higher-level paradigm and in this level of paradigm you can let go of linear thinking, well, if I want to do this and I have to do this. That's the second level and below quantum, manifestation is about understanding that you can scramble up your beliefs about how the process has to go. You could instead just tune into the vibration of how you prefer to be this divine vibration of who you really are.

That goes beyond the mind, the doorway from the second level paradigm of creating your own reality, of understanding how your beliefs are a reflection of what you experienced in your life. The doorway from that level to that of the higher level is moving from the head and into the heart from having and doing into being, and when you make that transition, your frequency will increase and when that happens, you will then experience a reality that is equal to that change in vibration. It's about being aware of that and moving from the head and into the heart, and the way you do that is by surrender.

The way you do that is with the awareness, the awareness of who you are, the awareness that as you connect to this energy, everything in your life will begin to change. If we look at all of these levels, we'll see there are different personality traits and each level, different versions of us that are in different states, different emotions. The reasoning and the intellect will get us so far, but eventually, there's a level higher than that.

The lower levels of consciousness, shame, fear, guilt, anger. Those are all on Cert, on, on autopilot, keeping just thinking on a loop over and over again. I'm not worthy. I'm not this, I'm not that. I want this, but I don't have it is in the head, in the head, in the head.

Wherever you have observed that level of consciousness observed that state, and as you observed it from a neutral place, you then start to move and to realize that from that level if you're at the level of you think and you think everything set, everything is the way it is. What you do is you try to go and change the outside near you. Try to go change the mirror itself. Remember, the reality is a reflection.

We always get a mirror reflection of what we believe to be true and if we go out and try to change the mirror without changing our expression first. That is the bottom level paradigm. The Middle-Level Paradigm is understanding that we must first change our expression then change the reality we want to experience and the higher-level paradigm is beyond the mere itself. It just is and that level of surrender, that level of understanding that that divine energy can flow through as a totally new way of being.

And I believe that in this lifetime on earth, many people are here right now because there is a transformation of consciousness happening. People are bumping from this bottom level to the middle level, the middle level to the high level or all three. They're just moving all the way up. We have that potential right now. If you are watching reading this blog then you are in vibrational resonance with moving up these levels because you cannot perceive what you are not the vibration.

If you perceive of than it is something that was possible for you and is profitable for you as possible for everyone. It's probably for you, but be aware at which level you're at and the doorway to each one. That doorway from the first level, the bottom level to the middle-level neutrality, observing your thoughts, being aware of whether they're understanding the world is not fixed.

The world is not the way it is, just because that's how it is. That is a belief. Beliefs create reality. Then we bump them to the second level. I believe create my reality. If I want to change over there, I must first change in here because that over there is a reflection anyways.

Then we change the expression on our face. The mirror reality reflection we get then begins to change and then the doorway into the next level is letting go of the mirror, letting go of attachment, letting go of the identity with the ego.

And being the way we've referred, being existing in love, understanding it's a higher-level energy that channels through us. This higher level of energy is who we really are. It's the larger aspect of us. It is our higher self. It's higher states of consciousness. It's love, it's bliss, it's passion.

Follow your passion and you start to become more in alignment with that. Which level are you in and how were you moved to the top levels? I've given you a little bit of a game plan and what you can do at each individual level.

Follow your passion and you start to become more in alignment with a higher-level of energy.

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There are different traits of each level. Understand this isn't about good, bad or different levels have gone higher than you because I'm at this level. That's the ego. Just allow yourself to be aware. Awareness is the key. Awareness is the light and as you become aware of it, you can then move through these different levels and increase your vibration.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.