The Law of Attraction and the Higher-Self The TRUTH NO ONE TELLS YOU

What I'm going to be sharing with you is the truth on your higher-self in the manifestation process. I want to be sharing a perspective that I hardly hear anyone mentions. Nonetheless, it's one of the biggest game changers when you begin to apply it in your life.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the truth on your higher self and understanding this larger aspect of manifestation that hardly people tap into and when you tap into this level, everything changes because you begin to manifest from a higher vibrational state of consciousness. I'm going to give you some tips and tools as to how to find out what that is and what to actually do to be living from that higher-self level of vibration.

In order to do this, I decided I have my handy dandy notebook today, which is this big post-it note like from Blue's Clues if you remember that. Anyways, so the way that I want to explain this as understanding really who we are, once we understand who we are, we then see why sometimes certain things we want to manifest doesn't come into fruition.

Maybe you see, sometimes people are like, oh, they want to manifest something, and the thing is also they're focused on the things they want to get the focused on. Oh, I want this type of car. I want this. I want to win the lottery. There's nothing wrong with this, but the thing is being aware of how that fits into the larger picture of what we agreed to experience in our life.

Because if it's out of alignment with the true desire of our soul, then sometimes those things won't happen or it will happen and in a way different than we expect it to, but that's why as well, it's always more important than the things we want to manifest in the car or whatever it is, is the person we will become is the kind of person we prefer to be.

Because that's at the deeper root than anything else. But let me show you this understanding. I think this will really clear up a lot of the Law of Attraction, confusing in general, and understanding why something's happened the way that they do now. Imagine it like this. We are immortal, spiritual beings live in very temporary human experiences, and when we chose to come and have an earth experience to be here, we agreed to certain things. We agreed we were up here.

We could call this the higher dimensions. We were up here in the higher dimensions, which I always use stick figures. We're just a little bit more holy or a little bit more, a higher vibrational or have a higher vibrational level of consciousness. We're up here and what we're doing is we're looking down here on earth and what we're doing is we're. We're like, okay, I'm going to come here and when we go to Earth, what we do is we know that we're going to forget that this is who we are, that we are immortal, spiritual beings living a temporary human experience.

We're going to forget that and one of the purposes of earth, because earth is in a way like a school, we're going to have the intention of learning and remembering who we are at a greater level, so that's one of the intentions that we have is to remember who we are because we have this veil of forgetfulness. When we go from here to here and what happens is our higher-self call this, the higher self is making choices with other guides, with other aspects of ourselves.

Deciding what do we want to experience so it could be, could call this like a contract, some level. There are certain things that we agreed to and we say, you know what? In life, these are the challenges I'm going to have. These are the things I want to experience. I want to be and have a relationship with this type of person or this person, this soul in general, and what we do is we decide that according to this checklist right here, imagine this is a checklist.

We're going to have a veil of forgetfulness and then we're going to come to earth. Then what happens is we're on earth, we forget who we are, and then we have our ego self. The ego doesn't necessarily remember that at a higher self-point of view, we agreed to many of the things we're going to experience in our life and there's a certain layout for a kind of intentions that we had.

Maybe it was to be a certain type of person. Maybe it was to accomplish something specific and we had the intentions to accomplish these things. However, what sometimes happens is we get lost in the game of life. We get lost for getting that. We are immortal spiritual beings because this version of us is beyond any the vibration we can even imagine.

And here's the cool thing. Every night when we go to bed, we wake up and we're so connected to this version of us, but then we come back and we remember when we wake back up, when we're sleeping and we wake up in the morning, we forget this because this doesn't have any reference experience for who we really are. What I mean by this is we interpret the world with our ego. The only knows and interprets through the five senses so the brain has the brain, but it has the five senses that we interpret reality through.

That's the Avatar and what happens is we can't even imagine what's happening in this higher vibrational state of consciousness, and because of that there is sometimes we don't remember these aspects of ourselves. When we go to bed every single night, we're connected to it, and then when we were before we were born and after we die, this is really who we are.

What we're doing is we're just dreaming that this is who we are on earth. When we go, we go through a veil of forgetfulness. We forget that this is who we are. Nonetheless, we are more of the higher self than anything else because this is a dream of life experience. Earth is a place that we go to. It's like a master class. It's a place where we go to learn a lot of the understandings of how we can stop negative patterns, how we can grow earth is one of the places that's very sought out because we can grow so much in such a short period of time up here, we're up such a high vibration that we don't fit.

We don't feel negative emotion. Maybe you'd say, oh, that's a great thing, and it is, but we learned so much when we have this dense energy here and what we do is we have a body that can buffer that. This is about being aware of these dynamics.

Here's the thing, we have certain intentions that are solely decided to have before we came here. Certain contracts, if you will. These contracts may be flexible. They may be things like, I'm going to have a relationship with this person. They may be things like, I'm going to go through, you know, like I, for example, I went through certain things growing up that were very painful at a certain level. I'm a bit of soul contract because those things got me to a place of pressure that eventually led me to a spiritual awakening.

And that spiritual awakening just means that this is my ego self. And I just remember this. I remember this. I remember the being present to the moment and more of this understanding of the spiritual awareness of being immortal, spiritual beings, having a temporary human experience. That's what they call a spiritual awakening.

The way this relates to manifestation is when we come to earth, there's another aspect of it that we agreed to but we might not even be aware of. Maybe what I'll do is, uh, maybe what I'll do is turn this thing around really quick and I'll show you this different aspect. When we come to Earth, what happens is we have this. Let's say we're on earth.

When we come, we decide that we're going to be part of a collective consciousness. Because we're going to become a part of the collective consciousness when we're born here, there is this matrix around the earth. Let's say that this is the earth right here. This is the earth. There is this grid around the earth. We can call this the.

You can call this avail. We can call this a bubble, whatever you want to call it. Nonetheless, the thoughts that we think, the emotions that we feel are constantly carrying a trail in reality. For example, I could walk over here, I could walk over here. There was an energy pattern that's been instilled into the spaces that I'm at on earth.

These are invisible to the eye, but then still exist. Us having that of our thoughts. We think that our thoughts are something that we have. That's a thought for him. We think that the thoughts that we have are just. They're just. They don't really exist. They're just in the ethers, but they actually have a form. It's just we can't see it. The thing is when we're born into the earth, what happens is these thought forms are everywhere from everyone else.

That's already here, so many times we will pick up the thought forms of other people thinking and saying, oh, these are my own thoughts. When a lot of times are the thoughts of the social conditioning that the thoughts of the collective consciousness, so you may have a lot of groups of people that live in certain countries or whatever it is that I'm thinking of certain things, and then we may say, oh, that's my thought.

For example, we may be really emotionally mad if a certain football team loses, but also there's a lot of other people that are also mad that have a thoughtful and we were at the football team losing, so if our thought links up to that, we ended up feeling into that collective manifestation, that collective feeling. This about being aware of these different energy dynamics. The key is to realize that our natural vibration is very, very high.

When we attach herself to these thought forms around us and we even think our own thoughts when many times they're not, then we end up lowering our light quotient. We end up lowering our vibration. In general, like I was showing in a minute ago, when it comes to that of our vibration, our vibration is naturally very high.

Our vibration is unconditional love and bliss, but we are buffering it in the earth because of these thought forms, because of this social conditioning. Here's the main part of this blog. The key to us accepting this as the first author accept and that we are more than our physical bodies. We are more than the ego and then knowing that there's this higher-self version of us and what we can begin to do is to connect to it. The bridge that connects us to this is our passion.

The translation that is telling us this is who you are. Our higher self is emitting a frequency to us at all times and that frequency is that of unconditional love is a frequency of passion. And when we follow our passion, which we just simply mean in every moment we do the most exciting thing we can do than what we do is we end up bridging this, we end up low raising our vibration, and we are letting go of things that don't serve us.

Those other thought forms may come up, but the thing is if our vibration is high, it doesn't, and those are lower vibrational thought forms. It doesn't even affect us because we have raised our vibration. The key is to actually allow more of this higher self through in a way that we do that is by connecting with our heart.

A way that we do that is not by being not attached to the outcome. The way that we do that is by understanding first and foremost, this is who we are and there are certain things that we've agreed to. There are certain things that we've agreed to in the sense we may say, I want this thing. I want a Lamborghini, I want to win the lottery.

Some of those things may be counterproductive, mean, for example, I used to think, wouldn't it be so cool to win the lottery, but here's the thing. I know that my purpose in life is to speak in front of people. I know my purpose in life is to do what I'm doing right now, but a year or two ago it would've been nice to have $100,000,000 and not have to do anything, and I could say, well, maybe I'd have a $100 million dollar and I would still want to speak.

I would just have more than enough, but honestly, probably not. Probably I would have $100,000,000 and at the version of me that it took. See, the thing is two years ago, the version of me that would have happily taken the $200, million dollars wouldn't have been moved into what I do today. The version of me now would do that because I know that that's my larger purpose.

 That's what I agreed to. However, the person you become in the process of this passion of this bridge is everything because now that I've become the kind of person I am in a way merging these two together, it's an experience that can't be taken away from me and I can always recreate things from this level of awareness.

Begin to connect to your higher-self using the bridge of passion.

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The key to this whole blog is understanding that you can begin to connect to your higher-self using this bridge of passion, understanding that this is who you are.

On a scale of vibration. This would be over a thousand. There's a scale of vibration of consciousness. It goes from zero to a thousand and at a thousand that's considered an enlightenment. Joy, peace. The thing is that's who we naturally are. We are a natural high vibration. We've gone through the veil of forgetfulness to be born on earth.

Earth is a game. Earth is a short temporary time. We are only here for maybe 100 years and the key is knowing that this is just a school. This is a school where we go to let go of a lot of stuff that doesn't serve to work through things at a much more accelerated way because in the higher dimensions we have abilities. You can't even imagine.

We're able to do things. We're able to travel at very great distances. We have the technology we couldn't even imagine. We have technology that interfaces with consciousness, so it's not like, oh, we have a little iPhone and we're looking into it.

It goes much further beyond that, but this is who we naturally are. High vibrational beings of love and light. We have simply gone through a veil of forgetfulness to come to earth. The key is connecting with our passion because when we are connected to our passion, passion is our body's translation that is telling us, hey, Aaron, go in this direction. Hey, whatever your name is, go in this direction. This is who you really are.

This will lead you to be in more and more of living your life purpose. If there's anything that we agreed to and we want things we want, the things that we think we will get from things in life, we need to be aware of more. It's about who we become and also align it to the things that happened and knowing that challenges that come up, it's okay to part of the life experience.

It's a part of letting go of what doesn't serve. And as we begin to do that, everything in our life will begin to change. This is about the awareness of your higher self. Instead of making the goal Lamborghini and making the goal, the lottery, make the goal of connecting with your higher self and connecting to passion. Because when you get into this passionate feeling, it is such a high vibration that things will manifest anyways things happen easier than ever.

Because I am connecting to my higher self. I'm not kidding you. I've had more abundance in my life and the last six months than I would have made in 10 years in the last job that I had two years ago. It is a level that is indescribable and I don't say that as I'm on top of that. Imagine tap. I'm perfectly integrated math my yourself and um, uh, you know, that's not what I'm saying.

What I'm saying is I can tell you from experience that connecting this bridge, amazing things begin to happen. I encourage you to tap into this yourself to understand that you are much more powerful than you can imagine. That is a high vibrational state is who you naturally are, that you can remember some of this right now. That's part of the purpose of life.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.